Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Next Meeting is January 30th...times TBD

The next Metro-DC Audiophile Club meeting will be on Saturday, January 30th in Falls Church, VA. The time is TBD at this point, so please check back to this website for an updates. The meeting will be at Jeff Fox’s house at 7105 Maybury Court, Falls Church, VA 22046.

For the January meeting, our host will be Zu Audio. This promises to be a fun day of music listening to the Essence loudspeaker. This speaker has received a lot of great press and should be interesting to listen to. Ron, from Zu, hopes to provide a sneak peak/listen to some other Zu goodies in the works. Who knows…this meeting may be a premiere from something new and exciting from the folks at Zu.

Zu’s preferred format is to have an extended “open house” on the 30th during which we will swap out solid state and tube gear to really get a feel for the Essence speakers. Also, there will also be a more “formal” regular club type meeting. Again, stayed tuned for an update on times.

Finally, we were thinking about catching a live show at a local club on the 29th or 30th if people are interested. Because the Zu “sound” is all about a live performance, this could be the ultimate A-B test. Again, stay-tuned.

Please contact either Jeff ( or Ron ( to reserve a space.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Next Meeting: 2 p.m., October 17, 2009

The next DC Audiophile Club meeting is happening Saturday, October 17, at 2 pm at Jeff Fox’s house in Falls Church, VA. As always, these meetings are open to current members, new members, and anyone who is interested in listening to and learning about great audio equipment. Bring a friend and your laptop if you want to hear some of your own tracks.

The topic for the meeting will be Low-Cost USB DACs. The following DACs will be demonstrated at the meeting:
HRT MusicStreamer+
DevilSound V2.1 (new cryo version)
Music Hall dac 25.2
We anticipate this to be the first of a two-part set of meetings focusing on computer-based audio. The second meeting (date TBD) will look at higher-end offerings such as the Berkeley Audio Design DAC.

Chips and salsa will be provided, but you are welcome to bring other snacks / drinks to share.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at

Join Our Mailing Lists!

Metro DC Audiophile Society
If you would like to be added to a member list shared between DC Audiophile members, email, type “Add to DC Audiophile” in the Subject field, and indicate your preferred email address and how you want you name listed.

Command Performance AVIf you would like to receive the upcoming Command Performance AV email newsletter about new products we have brought in or items of interest, email and type “Add to CPAV” in the Subject field.


7105 Marbury Court
Falls Church, Virginia

  1. From 495 in Virginia, exit at Route 50/Arlington Blvd. East (towards Arlington).
  2. Turn left onto Graham Road (at Loewmann's Plaza).
  3. At the intersection of Graham Road and Washington Street (Route 29), go straight through the traffic light and turn immediately right onto Welcome Drive.
  4. Turn right onto Marbury Court.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Welcome to our new site!

The Metro DC Audio Society is now online. Look here to find out when our next meeting is, what you missed at the last meeting, and what we think about the latest in audio.